Folx PRO can get in sync with your Apple Music app.This is another useful feature to have if you want to use your computer while a download is slowly happening in the background. If you don’t do this, Folx will automatically set the speed. If you have a huge file to download, you can break it up into threads and manually adjust the download speed. You can schedule a download to start later if you’re using your computer at the moment.With this feature, you’ll be able to access content that’s not available through your location. With Folx, you can download files by using proxy servers. The greatest concern about using uTorrent Web was the lack of anonymity. With the built-in search feature and the ability to instantly get a file, the whole process is much simpler. Folx can remember your login information to sites you often use for downloading torrents.

The app will scan several torrent trackers, so it makes your quest faster. If you don’t like going from one website to another to search for a particular torrent, this is a great deal. The built-in search feature comes with the PRO version, so you might consider the upgrade if you’re after greater convenience. In addition to letting you download torrent files, it also enables you to search for torrents directly within the app. Folx is like the upgraded uTorrent Catalina app we’ve all been waiting for.

It works just like your beloved uTorrent Mac app, so you’ll quickly forget the inconvenience of switching between apps.